Full disclosure | S-RM discusses the cyber regulatory landscape – part 1, the UK

Full disclosure | S-RM discusses the cyber regulatory landscape – part 1, the UK

Show notes

Welcome to the first episode in our new four-part podcast series, Full disclosure, where we explore key cyber regulatory challenges across different regions – UK, Europe, US, and Asia. Focusing first on the UK, host Matthew Mettenheimer (Associate Director, Cyber Advisory) speaks with Katherine Kearns (Head of Proactive Cyber Services, EMEA) and Mike Groves (Head of Cyber Advisory, UK) about the cyber regulations which impact UK businesses, offering a wealth of insightful takeaways about the country's increasingly complex compliance obligations. Read the accompanying blog post in full: https://www.s-rminform.com/latest-insights/cyber-regulatory-landscape-uk-full-disclosure

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